Mandava Associates provides assistance to small, medium, and large companies in dealing with FDA in accordance with the FDA guidelines for food additives and dietary supplements. Some of the services covered under this section include:
FDA Food and Color Ingredients |
Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) Assessments |
Chemistry, toxicology and additive migration studies |
Color additive petitions |
Data development and strategy |
Dietary exposure and risk assessments and evaluations |
Dietary supplements |
Environmental Assessments |
Environmental Impact Statements |
Food additive indirect and direct petitions |
Food contact substances |
GRAS affirmations and petitions |
HACCP training, development, and implementation |
Health claims |
Neutraceuticals |
No objection and opinion letters |
Regulation interpretation |
Regulatory strategic planning |
Special meeting preparation and briefing package |
Threshold of regulation petitions |
Toxicity and safety assessments |
U.S. representation before FDA |